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mardi 16 janvier 2024

Peanut Butter Fudge


Peanut Butter Fudge


  • Sugar: 4 cups

  • Butter: 1/2 cup

  • Milk: 1 (12 oz.) can (evaporated)

  • Marshmallow creme: 1 (7 oz.) jar

  • Peanut butter: 1 cup

  • Vanilla extract: 1 to 1/2 teaspoons (pure)


Step 1:

Add butter (melt slightly) before adding sugar and evaporated milk in a 4-quart heavy-bottom saucepan over medium-high heat, and stir until mixture begins to boil. Then immediately, turn down the heat to medium and continue to stir for 8 to 9 minutes, or until the candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees F.

Step 2:

Remove from heat. Begin to add marshmallow cream and peanut butter, a spoon full at a time, to hot sugar mixture with a buttered or oiled spatula. Then using large wooden spoon, stir between adding until well blended. Add vanilla extract; stir well.

Step 3:

Remember to pour Peanut Butter Fudge, immediately, into the prepared 13″ by 9″ foil-lined dish. Finally, cool Fudge on a cooling rack for 2-3 hours.

Step 4:

Once done, make sure to remove Fudge from the dish and wrap in foil or plastic wrap then store in an airtight container.


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